Thursday 1 October 2015

Conduct Your Own Pap Smear???? ..... WAIT WHAT????

So while scrolling through facebook today I come across this article. Can this be real? 

I honestly don't know how I feel about this... Reducing actual pap smear screening to 5 yearly? 
Women need to understand the importance of this 5 minutes of feeling uncomfortable. 
I'd like to share, my story.....

Life seem to have got in the way to 'bother' about getting my 2 yearly pap smear. I knew it had been a while since my last one but it didn't phase me.  
I was trying to fall pregnant, and it just didn't seem to be happening. So I went to the doctor to get a check over and he suggested a pap smear. I thought yep better get it done. 

2 weeks later, I got the phone call from my doctor telling me the test come back with abnormal cells. He kept telling me not to worry until I get a colposcopy done. How could I not worry? I cried and got angry when I finally calmed down to see what the results would be. 

It was a long 6 week wait for the appointment. In that time I also found out I was pregnant. 

When I got the colposcopy done they were able to confirm I had  the pre cancer Cin 3. Due to being pregnant they were unable to conduct a biopsy however I had to go back every 3 months during the pregnancy to monitor it. 

So what did I do when I go home???? Googled Cin 3. Worst idea ever! All I kept thinking was the worst. It had been at least 10 years since my last Pap smear. How long did I have left before it turned to cancer.... Because who knows how long I already had it for. 

I finally got through all the colposcopys during my pregnancy. Most degrading uncomfortable thing for a pregnant woman to ever go through! 6 weeks after giving birth via c section I was sent in for my biopsy. One does not know uncomfortable until you have had one of them done. 

The biopsy confirmed that I needed the LLETZ procedure. LLETZ is  A fine wire loop charged with electricity and is used to shave away the abnormal tissue from the cervix. Sounds bloody scary eh??? 

At the time we were living in Ipswich QLD and due to move to NSW within the month. Ipswich hospital confirmed they could get me in for the procedure before we leave and they would call me. They never called until the day after we left so I had to start back at square one with a new doctor in NSW. 

This was when it started turning into a headache. The waiting lists for the colposcopys was 6 months! Had it done and was told to come back in 3 months. Came back in 3 months and was told it had been downgraded to CIN 1 and to come back in 6 months. Went back again in 6 months time, and had 3 biopsy's done in the one appointment to be told it was CIN 3 again and had to go on the waiting list as a matter of urgency for the procedure. 

That was the worst appointment I had every had. After it I was faint and vomiting and totally hated on myself for being a female. I would never have wished my worst enemy to even go through it. 

I got in for the procedure within 3 months. Only to be told after the procedure I didnt really need it??? But the scraped the cells anyway. 
Like seriously what is going on with my body?
Doctors told me your body can fight it.

It has been nearly 12 months since my last check up. I will be in for a pap smear in the next few weeks. There is NO WAY I will delay it. The little bit of uncomfortable brings a huge peace of mind.
Trust me, I know.

So ladies don't delay, go get your Smears! 
Never be afraid to remind your lady friends of the importance! 

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