Tuesday 20 October 2015

When running away from home seems like the right thing to do....

Last night around 8pm we decided to take our youngest son Zack for a drive. When we opened the door we came across a stuffed Lion, pair of grey pants, socks and black shoes. Puzzled hubby and myself looked at each wondering whose stuff it may be. 

Puzzled I had no explanation of the mysterious items that turned up on our door step.  
Apart from someone must of just dropped them off at the wrong place. So I thought I would do up a post on facebook to see if anyone recognized them, I was more worried that some little kid may be missing their snuggle lion. 

Not long after one of my friends messaged me, just as puzzled as I was letting me know that they were her sons items! 

After a brief phone call we put together what had actually happened. 

This arvo she had had a little argument with her son, and he was told to go to his room. In which he replied I am going to live with Beck & Jayden. Not thinking much of it, my friend thought he had just gone to his room. 20 minutes later he came back up stairs and was talking to his parents as if he was fine, 

In that 20 minutes that he was down stairs he had actually ran to my place, then back home again as no one had answered the door. (we do just live around the corner from each other). 

When no one answered the door he proceeded to just leave the items here before quickly running home again. 

Although we can have a brief laugh about it, it is a reminder on how quickly children can act. 
We are all just so thankful he got home safely. 

Now he had a time out chair!


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