Saturday 3 October 2015

Yeah! Nominated For Awards Already! THE LIEBSTER AWARD! Go Me!

Oh my! I am so excited! The lovely ladies Hannah & Sara from The Perfect Storm (  have nominated me for the LIEBSTER AWARD! 

First let me tell you guys a little about the Liebster award! It's basically an award that is passed down to new bloggers, and highlight their new blogs. It all comes from the idea that we should support each other, and build a strong blogging community. I will also be nominating a few new bloggers for the award as well.

Hannah and Sara are beautiful Besties! (BFFS) There blog is a wonderful Lifestyle blog, where they both share their ideas, thoughts and awesomeness! You go girls! Don't forget to stop by their blog and see for yourself the awesomeness they have for offer! 

OK... So here are the questions Hannah & Sara have asked me....

Nominee Questions:

1. What is the story behind your blog name?                                                                   -Looking Forward Looking back is a song by Slim Dusty that my great grandfather absolutely loved. He passed away last year and the wonderful age of 98. This was the song we played at his funeral and every day it would ring in my head  so I just knew it would be perfect as my blog title. 

2. When and why did you start blogging?
 -Only a few weeks ago. Its been something I had wanted to do for a while and thought there is no better time then now! I have mostly made it for my sons to read through when they are older and to keep my mind busy while I am unable to work at the moment due to Under active Thyroid disease  I have.
3. Where you like to be in 5 years time?
 -Rich (as I would have won the lotto)  and sun baking on the beach with cocktails. 

4. If you could write a letter to yourself 10 years a go, what is one thing you would tell your younger self?
 -Don't do it, Just don't

5. What do you find to be the most challenging part of blogging?
 -Due to being fairly new to the game I have not yet come across any challenges! 

6. If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would it be?
 -Egypt to see the pyramids. I'm sure I lived there in a past life.

7. What is your favorite food?
-I love Spinach! and ice-cream andddddd cheesecake! 

8. What is one thing that you want to do before you die?
-Win the lotto (and I will heheheh). Just travel and see as much of the world as I can. 

9.What is your favorite post that you have written?
-This one! I have only written a couple so far, and being nominated for an award surely is the best!

10. What advice would you give to someone just starting a blog?
-HAVE FUN, and lots of it!

11. What is one goal related to blogging that you would like to complete in the next year?
-Would like to grow my follow base, and continue having fun while I do it.

Now I would LOVE to nominate some other bloggers! 

Kayleigh from 'Through the eyes of a mum'

Michelle from 'The Special Mums World'

Ellie from 'Ellie Jane Blogs'

Charlotte from 'The Mummy Toolbox'

Oriella from 'Oriebella's Imagination'

Lauren from 'The Life Emporium'

Anam from 'B With Beauty Numz'

Alex from 'Random Geeky Dad'

Merel from 'Miss Clumsy'

Loui from 'Type 1 Traveller'

Instructions for Nominees:
– Create a blog post on your site, answering the questions I will provide below.
– In your post, be sure to link back tothe blog that nominated you (me!) with a thank you and a shoutout.
– After completing the questions, add a section for your nominees.
– Select, list, and link to 11 other bloggers with under 200 followers. Provide them with these instructions and give them an additional 11 questions to answer.
– Notify your nominees and provide a link to your post so they know what to do.
When you’re all finished, come back here and comment with the link to your post so I can read your answers!
Nominee Questions:
  1. What is the story behind your blog name?
  2. When and why did you start blogging?
  3. Where you like to be in 5 years time?
  4. If you could write a letter to yourself 10 years a go, what is one thing you would tell your younger self?
  5. What do you find to be the most challenging part of blogging?
  6. If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  7. What is your favorite food?
  8. What is one thing that you want to do before you die?
  9. What is your favorite post that you have written?
  10. What advice would you give to someone just starting a blog?
  11. What is one goal related to blogging that you would like to complete in the next year?

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